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At List, Details, Map and other pages, the system offers the site action Print, which opens the Print Options Dialog. Before printing takes place, the system prepares pages to print in PDF format.

To print at a dialog box (for example, Photos, Statistics, Driving Directions, Contacts) click the Print tool in the upper right corner, next to the dialog box's Close icon.

How . . .

To Print at List

To Print at Details

To Print Driving Directions

To Print Contact Records

To Print Contact Labels

To Print Member or Brokerage Roster Records at Contacts


To Print at List

  1. Display results at List or another page that lists search results.
  2. Optionally change the default Columns.
  3. Select properties you want to print.
  4. Click Print on the site action bar.
  5. At the Print Options dialog box, select List Rows or Detail Views.
  6. For List Rows, use the drop down lists to choose what you want to print, and a column set. For Detail Views, use the drop down lists to choose which form(s) you want to print.
  7. Click the check box for Also Include Criteria in the printed results.
  8. To preview the page(s) as they will print, click Print Preview. The preview opens in a new window, which you must close before printing.
  9. Listings may print immediately, or a browser dialog box may display. Choose landscape mode when printing a list.

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To Print at Details

  1. Display selected results at Details.
  2. Optionally change the default Form.
  3. Use navigation arrows to change your selections, if needed.
  4. Click Print on the site-wide action bar.
  5. At the Print Options dialog box, select List Rows or Detail Views.
  6. For Detail Views, use the drop down lists to choose what you want to print, and a detail form. If you wish to print the listings in a second form, select the name from the Additional Form drop down. For List Rows, use the drop down lists to choose what you want to print. Each form will print in its entirety before the next form prints.
  7. To preview the page(s) as they will print, click Print Preview. The preview opens in a new window, which you must close before printing.
  8. To print the pages, click the site action Print.
  9. Listings may print immediately, or a browser dialog box may display. Choose landscape mode when printing a list, and at the photo viewer.

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To Print Driving Directions

  1. Display driving directions at List, Details, or Map. See "Driving Directions Dialog."
  2. At the Driving Directions dialog, click the Print tool in the upper right corner, next to the dialog box's Close icon.
  3. At the Print Options dialog box, select or clear one or more options:

    Map: Print the mapped route with optional round trip, reference # markers, intermediate destinations, and the distance at each destination.

    Directions: Print turn-by-turn directions in text with distance notations and reference numbers.

    Detail Views: Print the detail views in the format you select from the Detail Form dropdown list.
  4. To print the pages, click the Print button.
  5. Directions may print immediately, or a browser dialog box may display.

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To Print Contact Records

  1. Select one or more contacts at the contacts List or View page.
  2. Click Print.
  3. At the Print dialog box, to print rows, select List Rows; or to print each record, select Detail Views.
  4. At For, to print the displayed record (if any), select The Current Contact; to print all records in List, select All X Contacts; or to print currently selected records, select X Selected Contacts.
  5. At Column Set, applicable only to List Rows, select the desired column set format.
  6. At Form, applicable only to Detail Views, select the desired form.
  7. Click Print. Contact records may print immediately, or a browser dialog box may display.

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To Print Member or Brokerage Roster Records at Contacts

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To Print Contact Labels

  1. Select one or more contacts at the contacts List or View page.
  2. Click Print.
  3. At the Print dialog box, select Detail Views.
  4. At For, to print labels for the displayed record (if any), select The Current Contact; to print labels for all records in List, select All X Contacts; or to print labels for currently selected records, select X Selected Contacts.
  5. At Form, select the Avery label you want.
  6. Click Print Preview; confirm that the labels appear as you want them.
  7. Click Print. Labels may print immediately, or a browser dialog box may display.

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Help for Stratus MLS v3.47.3 December 20, ,2016

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